Thursday, January 17, 2008


Open letter to Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka 10th Vice President Republic Of Kenya

Dear Kalonzo,

Congratulations! Soaked and consumed in the ongoing discussion about the illegitimacy of the election of your boss many of us have not had the time to see the big steps that you have made. As a person without the royal legacy or political patronage it must be said that you have come far albeit on a very personal and selfish path. And do not get me wrong, there is nothing wrong in putting yourself first, for after all indications are that everybody is doing so right from ODM, PNU, KANU and UDM and other such fringe parties. Spare us the notion that you took up the position in the interest of nation, those are pleasantries you can tell the birds. It was not offered to you in the interest of the nation so you cannot accept it in the nation’s interest. The thrust of this letter is to weave a conspiracy plot that you must be aware of. First, by this time, you must have pondered why Kibaki appointed you. Forget your buddies including Mutula who belief you were the natural and best-placed choice for the VP slot. In fact I postulate that Mutula is soon becoming a liability to you. He has arrogated himself the duty of government chief whip, spokesman or attorney general and here he fits in the bill of PNU. Your party and to the amusement your masters is fitting in the bill that informed your hiring in the first place, to have a second voice defending government positions. This is exactly what Kibaki needs as a distraction from his own legitimacy battles.

Kalonzo, you will soon realize that you are the face of this government and if it is considered illegitimate then you are a manifestation of that illegitimacy. Kibaki and his cabal will recoil into silence and leave you to battle ODM for them. This would appear so natural to you in the execution of your tasks but it is not. That is why you were picked in the first place. As leader of government business in the house, failure of government bills will be both a Kibaki failure as it would be your personal loss. It is too much work I suppose. Forget about succession politics and even if you considered that for a moment then you know that VP position are normally at least in the Kenyan history positions of decoy. You are a decoy to hide the real preferred successor to the throne. Realize that except for your entry the Kibaki machinery is likely to remain as intact as it was before the elections, in other words if they had pre-election pacts they will certainly execute them despite your bickering for after all you do not have the numbers to pose any credible challenge. Kalonzo, you must at all times fight the now emerging Small Parties Parliamentary Group. In fact you should organize to head this group so as to leverage your power and numbers, but son of Musyoka no one will allow you to consolidate power, and that route of assembling the small parties is a sure way of inviting a sack possibly through the lunchtime news. Kibaki is quite capable of this for he has left no doubt that we did not know him at all. Again some will argue that there is no harm in letting you accumulate the small parties around yourself for that will even be better for your parliamentary duties but that will be fought by PNU for that will make you more powerful than your boss who is heading another minor party called PNU through proxies.

Kalonzo, as all VPs world over you know that your freedom is now limited for example even if you know that ODM has a constitutional right to assemble, you cannot in all fairness contradict Hussein Ali when he chooses to limit the rights of Kenyans. Another thing, Musyoka, there is this ambiguous term called government. You will soon realize that real power and thus “the government” is not an easy thing to define. You too, will soon start hearing that the government has decided and you will start wondering who the government is and whether or not you are part of it. You must have heard loud and clear Mr. Michuki saying that the government is not interested in mediation. Add Martha Karua to this and you get the governments position. Son of Musyoka, the Kibaki government is keen in ensuring that you not only do their work but that they leave you with zero options in terms of quitting. It may be deliberate or by design that your party will not function or grow. Government work takes precedence. Mr. Musyoka so what options do you have? Besides muzzling your party, corruption has been an easier and more effective strategy. For heavens sake resist, decipher and run from all schemes that can entangle you in any form of corruption. If you get your hand soiled in corruption then you are stuck with Kibaki for any suggestions of quitting means that your future will be massacred before the state courts with the help of Ringera. And in the event you engage in corruption then you will be a lame duck and you will sit by and watch the succession battle taking shape to your very exclusion. You must ponder on why the state was keen on both Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta but more pointedly the good old Professor George Kinuthia Saitoti. Saitoti being eased into the powerful ministry of internal security is not by coincidence. And don’t forget, Mr. Kibaki is a complex man; no commentator yet is able to isolate his traits. He encourages loyalty but does not in any way reward it. For instance ask yourself why Mungatana is not sited in the cabinet. By all measures Mungatana has been more of an asset than say Makwere in the last campaigns but he has been reserved again possibly for another assistant ministerial portfolio. That is who Kibaki is for you.

But the future need not be as gloomy, Musyoka, with tact you can easily weave yourself into an indispensable politician by inviting a sack. I don’t know why human nature prefers people who are being persecuted for real or even perceived ills. You may chose for example to put the executive to task that you will not serve in a cabinet with doubts of corruption. Through parliament or other means the debate about corruption can be revived and it gives a well deserved albeit honorable exit. But for you exit to where? You seem to have burnt bridges with Odinga and that can be your only exit path for alone you stand no chance in Kenyan national politics. Review your options but above all always remember the Ngilu showing from your backyard. She managed three members of parliament meaning that she is still a force to deal with, in fact if ODM succeeds to paint the Kibaki government as illegitimate, arrogant and dictatorial that will go with your political career. ODM has the brains, the tact and the foot soldiers to fight and beat Kibaki on the front of perception and so this could as well be your last years in politics. The euphoria that ODM will create in whatever elections whether snap or after five years will sweep you off your parliamentary seat and all those your lieutenants in Ukambani. But the Mps from Ukambani are not tied to Kibaki and it will be easier for them to strategically jump ship and pitch tent in ODM faster and earlier that you. In a nutshell you are an isolated man Kalonzo. You do not have the numbers, you are not assured of the loyalty of your troops and the government in pushing through its legislative agenda cannot rely you upon. You flopped to deliver the speakers seat and it is by that measure that you will be judged throughout you tenure as VP

But again this could just be conspiracy, the world could be rosy for you and Kibaki could even anoint you a successor and who knows ECK can nominate you at KICC as the 4th president of Kenya for after all is that not what Kibaki has done. Whichever way it goes, success Musyoka, good times and Gods blessings

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